Sunday, January 24, 2010

Back online!

Here I am again. As online as ever :)
As we have moved and it does take some time to make Mimer set up the connection, the blogging has unfortunately had a standstill. In the very unlikely event that I might remember things that have happened the last month or so whit any accuracy at all, I will not try to tell you what has happened, and rather concentrate on the present and future.

We have just come home from a little trip to Trondheim. It was set as a mini vecation and a shopping-spree at IKEA. (It is amazing how much you can cram into a VW Polo.)

A couple of bottles of wine and a romantic dinner escalated to a rather moist night at random pub's in the immediate vicinity of our hotel.
This again resulted in a rather puzzled and pretty hung over IKEA trip. I hope we learned something that day:)

It was a really romantic trip for us, and Linda seems to have had a blast.

We also met up with Elise, who is rather happy with being "my half" of the Toastmaster-team we are setting up for our wedding. The other part is Lindas friend Hanne.

Maria Kristine and her husband Sivert made a lifesaver Lunch for us as we visited them just after the IKEA trip. As we nearly just ate and ran, we are happy to report of a great apartment, a happy dog, their gorgeous daughter Martha chewing the same piece of bread over and over til it is all wet and mush and she throws it on the floor. Classic family happyness:)

The 6 hours of drive is reeking havoc with my behind and I'm rather tired and soon to be crosseyed. I better go to bed. I hope to do regular updates on my blog from now on. This is my special service to the couple of people that might actually read this. And thank you for doing so:)
